Microneedling and Nano Infusion


Microneedling is a revolutionary skincare technique that has the power to transform your skin and redefine the essence of rejuvenation. Serving Faces is a sanctuary that offers this innovative collagen induction therapy, which goes beyond conventional skincare and sculpts a path toward radiant, revitalized skin.

The microneedling process is a symphony of precision and innovation that stimulates the skin’s natural healing mechanisms. Our certified professionals use specialized devices embedded with fine, sterile needles to create micro-injuries that are imperceptible to the naked eye. These micro-injuries trigger the skin’s regenerative forces, instigating a cascade of collagen and elastin production.

Contrary to popular misconception, microneedling is not a painful ordeal. Our skilled practitioners ensure the treatment is comfortable and indulgent by applying topical numbing agents. They administer the micro-injuries strategically, fostering controlled skin rejuvenation without causing significant discomfort or downtime.

Microneedling is a transformative procedure that addresses an array of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to acne scars and uneven texture. At Serving Faces, we recognize the bespoke nature of skincare and tailor each microneedling session to suit individual needs, ensuring a personalized path to skin rejuvenation.

Moreover, the collagen induction therapy of microneedling presents an intriguing paradox. Despite its invigorating effect on the skin, the procedure is remarkably gentle and non-invasive, making it suitable for various skin types and tones. The controlled micro-injuries trigger the skin’s healing response, unveiling a renewed complexion with enhanced firmness and luminosity.

At Serving Faces, we follow the best practices for achieving optimal microneedling results, focusing on expertise and aftercare diligence. Our stringent adherence to sterilization protocols ensures a safe and hygienic environment for each treatment session. Post-treatment care involves meticulous sun protection and the utilization of nourishing skincare products to fortify the skin’s healing process and maintain its newfound radiance.

In conclusion, microneedling at Serving Faces is an immersive voyage into the realm of collagen induction therapy. Our certified practitioners sculpt a transformative experience that revitalizes the skin and elevates the essence of self-renewal. It’s not just a treatment; it’s a testament to the enduring beauty of revitalized, luminous skin.

Nano infusion

Nano infusion, also known as nano needling or nano skin refining, is a cosmetic skincare treatment that shares some similarities with microneedling but differs in its technique, depth of penetration, and specific benefits.

Nano infusion involves the use of a handheld device equipped with microscopic nano-sized needles or pyramid-shaped tips that create superficial channels or pathways in the skin’s topmost layer, the epidermis. These micro-channels are significantly smaller and shallower compared to the micro-injuries produced by traditional microneedling devices. Nano infusion aims to enhance skincare product absorption and stimulate superficial skin rejuvenation without causing significant discomfort or downtime.

Here are some benefits and a comparison between nano infusion and microneedling:

Benefits of Nano Infusion:

  • Enhanced Product Absorption: Nano infusion creates tiny channels in the skin, allowing skincare products, such as serums and topical treatments, to penetrate more effectively. This enhances their absorption and improves their efficacy by delivering active ingredients directly into the skin.

  • Minimal Downtime: Due to its superficial nature, nano infusion typically involves minimal discomfort and downtime. Skin redness and irritation are usually temporary and resolve quickly, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure.

  • Improves Skin Texture and Tone: Nano infusion can contribute to refining skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines, and promoting a more even skin tone. Over multiple sessions, it may assist in enhancing overall skin radiance and smoothness.

  • Suitable for Various Skin Types: The superficial nature of nano infusion makes it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or those seeking a less invasive treatment option.

Comparison to Microneedling:

  • Depth of Penetration: Microneedling devices typically penetrate deeper into the skin, reaching the dermis, which triggers the body’s wound-healing response and stimulates collagen production. Nano infusion, on the other hand, works within the epidermis, offering superficial exfoliation and enhancing product absorption without reaching the deeper layers of the skin.

  • Treatment Intensity: Microneedling is considered more intense and may require a longer recovery period due to the deeper penetration and potential for more noticeable skin reactions, such as redness and slight peeling. Nano infusion is gentler, with minimal downtime and milder side effects.

  • Targeted Concerns: Microneedling is often recommended for addressing more significant skin concerns like acne scars, wrinkles, and overall skin tightening, while nano infusion is favored for enhancing product absorption, superficial exfoliation, and improving skin texture.

Microneedling Contraindications

In summary, while nano infusion and microneedling aim to rejuvenate the skin, they differ in their penetration depth, treatment intensity, and targeted skincare concerns. Nano infusion primarily focuses on superficial exfoliation and enhancing product absorption, making it a suitable option for individuals seeking a less invasive treatment with minimal downtime. However, microneedling tends to be more effective for addressing deeper skin issues and stimulating collagen production in the dermal layers. Consulting with a skin care professional can help determine the most suitable treatment based on individual skin concerns and goals.


  • Psoriasis – If you have psoriasis, microneedling can worsen the condition.
  • Eczema – Eczema may also worsen after microneedling.
  • Acne – Acne may break out or become worse after treatment.
  • Rosacea – The inflamation caused by rosacea may be intensified after microneedling.

If you have any of these conditions, it is best to avoid microneedling until your skin has improved. Speak to your skincare provider to see if microneedling is right for you.

Microneedling can also cause skin irritation and sun sensitivity. Be sure to use sunscreen daily, even if you don’t plan to be in the sun for long. If you experience any skin irritation or excessive redness after treatment, stop using any products that contain glycolic acid or retinoids until the irritation subsides.